Rhapsody Workshops
RhapsodyPresenters – our “Next Generation” Conférenciers
Students who are not afraid of the limelight, who love great challenges and have the courage to learn and present interesting information in front of a great crowd can explore their presentation skills during a concert after professional preparation by experienced and accomplished coaches, directors and producers.
Together they develop a professional stage show and thereby discover new passions while improving their own potential.
Artists sponsorships
In the context of a sponsorship students are actively involved in a creative process over a longer time period. Here the artist either prepare a special performance or discuss and talk about a composer in more detail or even compose music within an improvisation workshop.One example
For several weeks, the SIGNUM saxophone quartet worked with students at a Cologne high school. Many of the young people had never been to a concert or made music themselves. Within a couple of weeks, the young pupils prepared a short piece which was performed as an encore in the Philharmonic Hall of Cologne. The joint presentation was rewarded by the enthusiastic applause from the audience.Rhapsody contributes to integration and cultural participation.

RhapsodyReport – our magazin
RhapsodyReport is a student-written journal that documents selected Rhapsody in School collaborations.Our RhapsodyReporters - led by a reporter for cultural news - attend rehearsals and the concert, interview the artists and record their journalistic insights and experiences in our magazine RhapsodyReport.
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PDF RhapsodyReport 1