General information

Every artist is different and shapes the session in his or her own way. One may tell a lot of anecdotes and interesting stories, the other may play more on his or her instrument, but every musician tries to interact with the students. These classroom visits are considered neither a concert nor a music lesson, but are meant as a personal encounter in which the young audience gets the opportunity to ask questions and experience the artist first hand. Every school visit is individually planned with certain guidelines.


The artists are especially happy about motivated children and young adolescents. Schedule the timing for two lessons, even if the artist does not take full advantage of the time given. It may prove handy to use the extra time for some conversation with the students, or for them to write their personal feedback. Very important: please get photo permission from the parents and pupils so that we can document the initiative sufficiently on our website and Facebook page.

Target Group

The target groupe includes all age groups from Elementary through to Junior and Senior High School. We recommended grades 2 - 12. The maximum audience group should not exceed 60 students, so that the "close-up experience" is not lost.


The locations are classroom, music halls or sports hall, depending on what the school can offer. The more the space can create an intimate atmosphere, the better.  


Despite the artists visiting the pupils voluntarily, the association is happy to receive a donation to fund organizational work and any possible travel expenses for the artist. The standard amount is € 1.00 per child.
Rhapsody in School e.V. | Sparkasse KölnBonn | BIC COLSDE33 | IBAN DE14 3705 0198 1900 9128 49


You can register with the respective project manager of your region or, if you are uncertain, with our head-project manager Sabine von Imhoff. We will write down your details and notify you as soon as an artist has a concert engagement nearby.
Our Tip: An informal seating arrangement improves the possibility of contact between the students and the artists, e.g. chairs can be placed in a semicircle or the kids sit on mats in front of the musician. Curious students enliven these sessions enormously. Please prepare the children and young students in advance for the sessions. We - the Rhapsody in School Team – are available to answer your questions. Please be aware, that we like to invite press, sponsors and photographers to Rhapsody in School sessions, so we kindly ask you to get permission for fotographers and to have them signed. Thank you.


The Rhapsody in School Team

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Rhapsody in School - The next dates


February 2025

| Ilan Bendahan Bitton (Piano) | Franziska Hiller (Sopran), Hirschstein, Grundschule Prausitz „Franciscus Nagler“ | Young Rhapsody Ost
| Alexandra Klein (Komponist*in), St. Wendel, Gymnasium Wendalinum
| Christian Schmitt (Orgel), Friedrichshafen, Karl-Maybach-Gymnasium Friedrichshafen
| Lea Birringer (Violine), Weimar, Pestalozzi-Grundschule Weimar
| Elisabeth Beckert (Oboe) | Alma Stolte (Cello), Bad Sulza, Grundschule Wickerstedt | Young Rhapsody Ost
| Elisabeth Beckert (Oboe) | Alma Stolte (Cello), Arnstadt, Grundschule "Johann Sebastian Bach" | Young Rhapsody Ost
| Łucja Madziar (Violine), Schwerin, Grundschule Lankow

March 2025

| Kris Garfitt (Posaune), Rostock, Werkstattschule Rostock

Feedback Students

"Die Aufführung war spitzenmäßig! Die Mitschüler/innen und Lehrer/innen waren erstaunt von Ihrer Persönlichkeit, herzlichen Dank!" (Anna)

"Wie gut Sie Trommel spielen können, ist echt sehr toll, und man hat gemerkt, dass dahinter lebenslange Übung steckt." (Helena)

"I enjoyed your music so much! It is so cool! I don't smile a lot because I'm not used to, but your music made me smile. Thanks for giving me a try on your drum. It is awsome!" (Aleksey)

"I really liked the snare drum because there was so many types of tones in just one drum." (Amber)

"It sounded great." (Amalia)

Feedback Teacher

"Die SchülerInnen waren total gefesselt und ganz gebannt - bei rund 80 Kindern mussten wir nicht ein einziges Mal disziplinierend einschreiten! Das spricht sehr für die gekonnte Gestaltung des Auftritts des Rastrelli Cello Quartett, sie war lebhaft und mitreißend und auf die Fragen der SchülerInnen wurde stets sehr anschaulich geantwortet, so dass alle inspiriert, motiviert und mit vielen neuen und positiven Eindrücken heimgegangen sind!

Eva Schlenke | Musiklehrerin am Uhland-Gymnasium in Tübingen

"Musik bedeutet für mich Glück in Tönen, daran möchte ich auch meine Schüler/innen teilhaben lassen. Danke an Rhapsody in School, die uns diesen Zugang ermöglicht. Nichts kann mich so tief berühren, wie Musik und Gesang. Viele unserer Schüler/innen empfinden ähnlich. Einen Opernsänger wie Herrn M. Turk oder das SIGNUM Saxophon-Quartett an der Schule zu begrüßen und ihren Tönen zu lauschen, macht uns sehr glücklich.“

Frau Dr. Doris Wirth | Schulleiterin der Wilhelm-Busch- Schule, Gemeinschaftshauptschule in Wesseling

Rhapsody in School Trailer